Wednesday, June 19, 2013

In Our Image

I was scared
to death really
if truth be known,
I died before he was born.
What did I know
about being a father?
I was thirty
going on three.

a newborn life
cradled in my arms
the moment
I met my son. I realized it was
just as once
my father had held me.

It was alright.
all made sense.
He squirmed a bit,
reddened in the face,
and prepared his audible protest.

Something about
the arrangement
was not to the liking
of my newborn prince.

I adjusted quickly,
his temper subsided.
So began the bonding
of father
and son.

Who would he
take after?
Who would
He resemble?
Asian mother or
American father?

In truth, it was both.
Sharing the best
of each image,
as in heritage,
he was born
a little god.

That first day
of July, 1986
he was
gifted in Seoul to
very proud parents.

We're mere mortals
in the grander
cosmic scheme.

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