Friday, May 31, 2013

Don't Be 'Fraid Of Life - Song Lyrics 1974

It was late last August,
my love for you had grown.
Instead you said
we'd have to say goodbye.

Now my arms are empty
'cause I don't have you to hold.
I can still hear you sayin',
don't be 'fraid of life.

I've paid for nothing more
than regret with my lonely pain.
How could I ever leave you?
You were the only one.

Will you find another's arms?
Find comfort from loneliness.
Or wait in our special place
until I've come back to you?

If we were not meant to be,
why in absence do I long?
For the softness of your touch
together forever as one.

Silence is my lover tonight,
for me there's no one else.
I don't know where I'm going
hope you're my journey's end.

Now it's late September
I'm feeling very cold.
I'll return to you, I promise,
or else I'll die in the trying.

My arms filled with your warmth
the pleasure of your touch.
I'll hear your voice say to me,
don't be 'fraid of life.

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