Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Announcing Another Time - Now Available

It's the end of America's innocence, when summer gas wars drive prices well below twenty cents a gallon, giving more meaning to the expression 'a dollar's worth of gas'. Filling stations have dinosaur logos and full service is cheerfully offered free of charge. A seven ounce bottle of soda pop costs a nickel, twelve ounce bottles cost a dime. Jukeboxes in diners play for a nickel a song while astronauts orbit the Earth in hopes of one day traveling to the Moon. JFK is the thirty-fifth President of the United States and there is hardly anything better than putting the top down on a convertible and riding down the highway on a hot sunny day. Changes are coming.

It's the end of the summer in 1963. The Civil Rights movement is just beginning. Vietnam is a far away place and not yet the focus of the evening news most people watch on black and white TV sets. Variety shows, westerns and sit-coms dominate the airwaves. AM radio stations play Top-40 hits and broadcast baseball games. It's months before the Kennedy assassination and the British invasion on popular music with the Beatles at the vanguard.

Elliot Woods is a precocious seven year old growing up on a farm in the west central Ohio. All summer long he has been doing special chores and collecting soda pop bottles, saving his money to buy his first real bicycle.

For Elliot there is nothing better than spending the day on a road trip with his father, exploring the back roads of the rural Ohio countryside. It usually means stopping at a diner and having cheeseburgers with the works, fries and colas for lunch.

Elliot is curious about everything including women and the girls who will become them. He struggles to overcome a learning disability and in the process unlocks the wealth of potential. He has inherited certain gifts from his ancestors lending him curious insights into the way the world works. In the process of maturing he begins to discover many things about himself that he shared with only those he trusts. Because of him, his world is about to change forever.

Another Time blends historical elements set in the real world's past with elements of the supernatural as Elliot's abilities awaken. Although a fictional account, it is loosely based on the experiences of the author growing up in rural southeastern Clark County Ohio. (ASIN: B00CLHBAF4) $2.99

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