Monday, May 6, 2013

Update on New Books

Another week has passed and it's time for another progress report. Having just uploaded Book Two of One Pack titled A Necessary Evil – now available on Amazon for Kindle, it's time to move on to Book Three, A Change Of Heart. I started revision last night.

Most of what seems necessary with this one is adjusting the pacing. As I look ahead in the chapters, I will probably play with the order a bit, which also affects the pacing. Most of the heavy writing is done, I hope. Some tweaking is necessary, especially with the Tomas and Shealu characters, as well as Mang. During the process of allowing other to read the drafts, the major feedback was that these characters were favorites for many people, especially Mang and Shealu who were originally written to be minor, supporting characters.

The first two books had some relatively minor changes in the story to better allow it to connect with other stories. I expect this to continue with the revisions of the next three books as well,  though not to the same extent. The story line does not need changing, just some detail about the characters and their interactions is being added, more dialogue as well. The original manuscript was heavily narrative, which may surprise a lot of people who have read my more recent things which tend to read more like scripts.

The Wolfcat Chronicles is a ten book part of a larger series of series of books that bridges sci-fi, fantasy, mystery and romance. All told there are more than thirty stories connected to the overall series, most of them have been written in draft. Yes, that was what I was doing in my scarce free time when I was working in retail for thirty years.

There is one major piece I have yet to write, an untitled book that more or less feels necessary for me if not anyone else. It is about the time interval between One Pack and The Last Wolfcat and happens both on Anter'x and Earth. It will detail the events regarding Rotors six offspring - four by Ela'na the Wolfcat and two by Jesse, Copter's sister of the Great Cats. I may title it The Offspring or The Outsiders based on how the Pack referred to them (the former Ela'na's pups and the latter Jesse's cubs). 

Jesse was not a major character in One Pack, appearing mainly in Shattered Truce. The story, in as much as it involves Jesse, Hildi and Nelherna (Nanamu), will help fill in the gaps in the overall story line. The pups and cubs maturing and their roles as they assume roles in the groups to which they belong. The major conflict is a rivalry between siblings, the two sets of descendants of Rotor and their legitimacy in the One Pack and Pride of Cats, respectively. This will likely be a summer project, taking from six to ten weeks, I think. As it is being written, I will probably post it in draft on Fanstory.

Some of you who belong to Fanstory and have read the Wolfcat stories may be thrilled about a new book. I'll post excerpts here. Chapters don't seem to attract as much attention as part of a blog.


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