Saturday, April 13, 2013

New Books On The Way

This morning was spent creating a Facebook page for my writing. There are some pics uploaded. It's at:

Spectre Of Dammerwald is the book du jour. It is the first two books of The Wolfcat Chronicles. The past couple of days I have been working on it,  getting it reformatted to the point I can revise it. Today I started revision. Man, has my writing style evolved in the past seven years!

Current plans are to upload Spectre to Amazon for Kindle in a couple of weeks.

A new book called The Hangman's Manor is on a front burner. It needs about another fifty pages to reach the conclusion. Look for that in early summer. I'll probably post the new chapters to Fanstory first and get some feedback.

The Power of X and An Extreme Departure are pretty-much finished. The chapters for The Power need to be pulled from the last editing and reformatted into book. Departure is done, except that knowing me I'll go through it once more before uploading it to.

Once I'm finished with Spectre, I'll resume work on One Pack - Book Two titled Necessary Evil. What I hope to accomplish is the posting of the complete series of books for The Wolfcat Chronicles by the end of the year - if not sooner.

My daughter, Amanda, will be receiving her MFA in Theater from The University of Illinois on May 13. Congrats to her. She's worked very hard to hone her talents and I'm very proud of her.

So it was a typical working Saturday in my life as the only Elgon. Here's to making more progress on revisions tomorrow.



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